Course Description


CTLA™ is a leadership course for high-potential leaders who see that transformation is essential to being masterful, courageous, conscious, and wise in how they think, feel and behave. CTLA™ is an online learning experience with 24 self-guided online modules delivered in 2-week increments.

Bi-Weekly Live Video Teachings with Q & A.

The curriculum draws its' content from 25 years of BlackWolf Consultants’ direct experience with leaders, distilling and integrating high-leverage leadership mindsets and behaviors to generate collaboration and transformation. Research-based with an extensive bibliography to support the self-motivated leader and continuous learner.


Intended Outcomes:

  • Prepared to embrace upcoming changes
  • Have a transformational experience that will satisfy your desire for personal fulfillment and success.
  • Become clear about your individual role as well as your teammates’ roles
  • Leaders recognize the importance of collaboration during turbulent times

CTLA™ Journey

Four Sections:

  • Personal Leadership
  • Interpersonal Leadership
  • Team and Organization Leadership
  • Integration and Innovation Leadership

Six Domains:

  • Responsibility as an Operating System
  • Discipline of Vision
  • Discipline of Accountability
  • Transformational Conversations
  • Discipline of Generating Clarity
  • Discipline of Relational Leadership

If you and your team are curious about further coaching, we offer on-site global Collaborative and Transformational Teams

Email Contact: [email protected] 

Office: 1+ 303.999.0292

Website: BlackWolf Consultants

Senior Consultant

Burke Miller

Burke Miller has 20 years experience coaching executives and facilitating high-level teams. Burke is known for his ability to get to actionable breakthroughs quickly. His clients tangibly increase the quality of their leadership presence and impact; and improve their capabilities to build trust, drive innovation, and create cultures of excellence. Clients also invariably make strides in creating healthy integration of their personal and work lives through Burke’s skill at working with the “whole leader.”Burke has coached and facilitated extensively internationally, working with leaders in Latin America, Europe, Australia, China, Russia, India and Japan for multinational clients including Mars, Owens-Illinois, Kellogg, Proctor and Gamble, Accenture, Nestle and Mazda. Burke is partnering with BlackWolf Consultants at several levels in Mars, including work with two global presidents, and previously with the Global Leadership Team of Mars Petcare. He has served as the content design leader and lead coach for the BlackWolf Collaborative and Transformational Leadership Acceleration (CTLA) program.Burke’s formal education includes an MA from Antioch University and a BA from Williams College. He also has extensive formal training, experience and mastery in educational design, human development and psychology. He has advanced training in organizational and executive coaching from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and the Center for Right Relationship; and training in leadership methodologies with CTI, Verus Global, and Denver Community Leadership Forum. He is certified in the Leadership Circle Profile, a comprehensive 360 feedback and coaching process.Burke’s coaching style is firm and direct, while also compassionate and engaging, creating the safety clients need to move out of their comfort zones into new mindsets and behaviors. His focus is always on impact, helping the client bring out the best in people and teams through enhanced interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence, behaviors that build engagement, and compelling vision.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • Robert's Welcome to CTLA™

    • CTLA Kick-Off

  • 2

    Section I Personal Leadership

    • Personal Leadership Introduction

  • 3

    Module 1 Responsibility and the Power of Choice

    • Module 1 Self-Assessment

    • Module 1 Video Lesson

    • Module 1 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 1 Intro to a Power Practice

    • Module 1 Power Practice

    • Module 1 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 1 Resources

    • Module 1 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 4

    Module 2 Core Leadership Values

    • Module 2 Self-Assessment

    • Module 2 Video Lesson

    • Module 2 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 2 Values Worksheet

    • Module 2 Power Practice

    • Module 2 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 2 Resources

    • Module 2 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 5

    Module 3 Personal Accountability

    • Module 3 Self-Assessment

    • Module 3 Video Lesson

    • Module 3 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 3 Power Practice

    • Module 3 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 3 Resources

    • Module 3 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 6

    Module 4 Listening to Your Internal Dialogue

    • Module 4 Self-Assessment

    • Module 4 Video Lesson

    • Module 4 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 4 Power Practice

    • Module 4 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 4 Resources

    • Module 4 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 7

    Module 5 Choosing Empowering Beliefs

    • Module 5 Self-Assessment

    • Module 5 Video Lesson

    • Module 5 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 5 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 5 Power Practice

    • Module 5 Resources

    • Module 5 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 8

    Module 6 Emotional Self-Leadership

    • Module 6 Self-Assessment

    • Module 6 Video Lesson

    • Module 6 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 6 Power Practice

    • Module 6 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 6 Resources

    • Module 6 Key Learnings Discussion

    • Section I Review - Personal Leadership

  • 9

    Virtual Retreat #1

    • Virtual Retreat #1 Video

  • 10

    Section II Interpersonal Leadership

    • Interpersonal Leadership Introduction

  • 11

    Module 7 Choosing to Trust Ourselves and Others

    • Module 7 Self-Assessment

    • Module 7 Video Lesson

    • Module 7 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 7 Power Practice

    • Module 7 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 7 Resources

    • Module 7 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 12

    Module 8 Purpose, Vision, and Relationship

    • Module 8 Self-Assessment

    • Module 8 Video Lesson

    • Module 8 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 8 Power Practice

    • Module 8 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 8 Resources

    • Module 8 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 13

    Module 9 Honoring Diverse Perspectives

    • Module 9 Self-Assessment

    • Module 9 Video Lesson

    • Module 9 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 9 Power Practice

    • Module 9 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 9 Resources

    • Module 9 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 14

    Module 10 Asking Questions with Great Power

    • Module 10 Self-Assessment

    • Module 10 Video Lesson

    • Module 10 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 10 Power Practice

    • Module 10 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 10 Resources

    • Module 10 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 15

    Module 11 Making and Keeping Powerful Promises and Commitments

    • Module 11 Self-Assessment

    • Module 11 Video Lesson

    • Module 11 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 11 Power Practice

    • Module 11 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 11 Resources

    • Module 11 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 16

    Module 12 Vulnerability and Empathy

    • Module 12 Self-Assessment

    • Module 12 Video Lesson

    • Module 12 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 12 Power Practice

    • Module 12 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 12 Resources

    • Module 12 Key Learnings Discussion

    • Section II Review - Interpersonal Leadership

  • 17

    Virtual Retreat #2

    • Virtual Retreat #2 Video

  • 18

    Section III Team and Organization

    • Team and Organization Introduction

  • 19

    Module 13 Responsibility and the Power of Commitment

    • Module 13 Self-Assessment

    • Module 13 Video Lesson

    • Module 13 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 13 Power Practice

    • Module 13 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 13 Resources

    • Module 13 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 20

    Module 14 Leading from a Shared Vision

    • Module 14 Self-Assessment

    • Module 14 Video Lesson

    • Module 14 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 14 Power Practice

    • Module 14 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 14 Resources

    • Module 14 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 21

    Module 15 Collaborating to Engage and Create

    • Module 15 Self-Assessment

    • Module 15 Video Lesson

    • Module 15 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 15 Power Practice

    • Module 15 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 15 Resources

    • Module 15 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 22

    Module 16 Communicating to Inspire and Transform

    • Module 16 Self-Assessment

    • Module 16 Video Lesson

    • Module 16 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 16 Power Practice

    • Module 16 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 16 Resources

    • Module 16 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 23

    Module 17 Breakthrough Team Decision Making

    • Module 17 Self-Assessment

    • Module 17 Video Lesson

    • Module 17 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 17 Power Practice

    • Module 17 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 17 Resources

    • Module 17 Bonus BlackWolf Resource: Decision Making Protocol

    • Module 17 Key Learnings Discussion

  • 24

    Module 18 Building Resonance

    • Module 18 Self-Assessment

    • Module 18 Video Lesson

    • Module 18 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 18 Power Practice

    • Module 18 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 18 Resources

    • Module 18 Key Learning Discussion

  • 25

    Section IV Integration and Innovation Leadership Introduction

    • Welcome to Section IV: CTLA Leadership Development Blueprint

  • 26

    Module 19 Power Agreements

    • Module 19 Directions

    • Module 19 Power Agreements Worksheet Download

    • Module 19 Leadership Development Blueprint Download

    • Module 19 Presentation

  • 27

    Module 20 Leadership Stand

    • Module 20 Directions

    • Module 20 Leadership Stand Worksheet Download

    • Module 20 Presentation

  • 28

    Module 21 Relationship Guiding Principles

    • Module 21 Directions

    • Module 21 Relationship Guiding Principles Worksheet Download

    • Module 21 Presentation

  • 29

    Module 22 Collaboration Commitments

    • Module 22 Directions

    • Module 22 Collaboration Commitments Worksheet Download

    • Module 22 Presentation

  • 30

    Module 23 Team-Impact Practices

    • Module 23 Directions

    • Module 23 Team-Impact Practices Worksheet Download

    • Module 23 Presentation

    • End of Section and Course Takeaways

  • 31

    Module 24 CTLA Journey Presentation

    • Module 24 Directions

    • Module 24 CTLA Journey Blueprint Presentation Worksheet

    • Module 24 Presentation