Course Description


CTLA™ is a leadership course for "high-potential" leaders who see that transformation is essential to being masterful, courageous, conscious, and wise in how they think, feel and behave. CTLA™ is an online learning experience with 18 self-paced online modules delivered in 1-week increments.

Bi-Weekly Live Video Teachings with Q & A.

The curriculum draws its' content from 25 years of BlackWolf Consultants’ direct experience with leaders, distilling and integrating high-leverage leadership mindsets and behaviors to generate collaboration and transformation. Research-based with an extensive bibliography to support the self-motivated leader and continuous learner.


Intended Outcomes:

  • Prepared to embrace upcoming changes
  • Have a transformational experience that will satisfy your desire for personal fulfillment and success.
  • Become clear about your individual role as well as your teammates’ roles
  • Leaders recognize the importance of collaboration during turbulent times

CTLA™ Journey

Three Sections:

• Personal Leadership

• Interpersonal Leadership

• Team Leadership

Six Domains:

Responsibility as an Operating System

Discipline of Vision

Discipline of Accountability

Transformational Conversations

Discipline of Generating Clarity

Discipline of Relational Leadership

If you and your team are curious about 1:1 coaching, we offer global Executive Leadership Coaching.

Email Contact: [email protected]

Office: 1+ 303.999.0292

BlackWolf Consultants

CEO, Senior Consultant

Robert Krenza

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • BlackWolf's Leadership Institute Video Introduction

  • 2

    Module 1 Responsibility and the Power of Choice

    • Module 1 Self-Assessment

    • Module 1 Self-Assessment Survey

    • Module 1 Video Lesson

    • Module 1 Video Lesson Outline

    • Module 1 Intro to a Power Practice

    • Module 1 Power Practice

    • Module 1 Mid-Week Inspiration

    • Module 1 Resources

    • Module 1 Key Learnings